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ECO GLOBAL ACADEMY ,我們的目標是在導師/教練的指導下為每位學生提供最高質量的教育援助。我們的導師利用最先進的教學方法,將最佳的《美國通用核心》課程與21世紀的技術相結合。我們的學生沉浸在一個安全,和平,積極的學習環境中,該環境鼓勵創造力,批判性思維和協作。


EGA ,我們尊重每個學習者的個性。我們也很重視父母/監護人的支持和參與。導師和父母之間的團隊合作對於教育學習者至關重要,因為這會創建支持系統,以優化學習體驗。

Sincerely Yours written in cursive handwriting

校長Fritzie Sandoval


Picture of the Director of Education


Fritzie Sandoval is a veteran educator with over 15 years of deep experience as a classroom teacher, school leader, and education entrepreneur. Her journey is driven by a passion for fostering success in children and adult learners. Years of education and experience have honed her skills and knowledge in creating dynamic learning environments that inspire growth and achievement. She ensures that she stays at the forefront of cutting-edge educational practices and is always ready to adapt to the evolving needs of the learners. Her commitment extends beyond traditional educational settings, and she believes every child deserves a chance to get a high-quality education. Ms. Fritzie strives to create inclusive spaces for diverse learners to thrive and flourish. She has served as a mathematics and science teacher, curriculum coordinator, head teacher, and school leader as the Director of Studies at an international school in Thailand. 

The next evolution in her career came in the founding of Academics Global Institute. As an academic leader, she has the privilege of being a coach and mentor guided by a vision of excellence. She infuses this into AGI through the comprehensive educational offerings. From academic tutoring to the American high school diploma program, test preparation, and culminating in the best university admissions consulting service in SE Asia. Her mission is shaping educational programs, fostering a positive culture within the learning environment, and bringing an individualized educational experience to every learner.

Ms. Fritzie holds a Bachelor's degree in Engineering from the #1 ranked university in the Philippines and a Master's degree in Education from a top ten ranked American university.

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